The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining.
Inspired by Zombie Squad discussions, I have assembled what's known as a BoB (Bug-out Bag), for use in case we just have to go. It's not like you carry it around, you just have to be able to grab it and go. Like keeping a flashlight near the bed-- it's just in case. This bag just sits by the door and waits.
So here's mine (and the list of other things I want to include):
Top left-ish to bottom right-ish:
- MSR Dromedary 10L water bag
- MSR Waterworks mini water filter (attaches to Dromedary or to large-mouth nalgenes)
- Fleece throw tied with paracord
- 4 carabiners (1 with orange pulley wheel) and a figure-8 descender
- Small bag
- Screwtop match container with flint striker on bottom
- About 20 strike anywhere matches
- Signal mirror
- Band-Aid tin mini first-aid kit
- Bandages
- Q-tips
- Allergy meds
- Pain meds
- Utility knife with extra blades
- Bic lighter
- Whistle
- Cam-straps of various lengths
- Toilet paper in ziploc bag
- About 40' of tubular 1" climbing webbing
- KA-Bar USN knife
- Hothands packets (about 6, 18-hours each)
- Construction pencil (might need to leave a note, and it's sturdy)
- Army first-aid kit
- 1 hand soap,
- 1 4X4 gauze,
- 2 2" X 6 Yds gauze,
- 1 6" elastic bandage,
- 2 3X4 sterile pad,
- 1 eye pad,
- 10 3" bandage strip,
- 1 ice pack,
- 1 tweezer,
- 1 scissor,
- 1 pill bottle,
- 4 pain reliever,
- 1 instructions,
- 6 safety pins,
- 1 pair latex gloves,
- 4 aspirin,
- 1 First Aid cream,
- 1 triple antibiotic,
- 1 1/2" tape,
- 3 alcohol wipes,
- 3 iodine wipes,
- 3 antiseptic wipes,
- 3 clean wipes
- Folding shovel (all-metal) with 20' of paracord wrapped on the handle
- Paracord bundle
- Dead-On Annihilator
- Work gloves
- Beanie (2, actually)
- Glow sticks
- Clif bars
- Back-pack style bag instead of duffel? More compartments? I really want the exterior to be uncomplicated-- no straps or bags hanging out to get hooked on things or grabbed by Zeds
- Flashlight (I always have 2 mini-mags in the car, but I need another for the bag), or if I were serious about it, a hand crank radio/flashlight
- Climbing rope (gave mine away, but I can find some old rope around)
- Plastic dropcloth? something to make a solar still...
- Multitool??? I don't want to shell out the cash for a good one, and I hate the cheapies... so I don't have one yet. Maybe I'll just throw in an extra set of pliers.
this confirms it, you have been in colorado too long.
lame, i was gonna make a colorado jab.
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