Friday, December 22, 2006

Merry Christmas

We're taking off for Arizona to spend a few days at a resort there, so I probably won't post anything else for a while.

In the meantime, have a happy and safe holiday season!

Ok, fine: to tide you over until I return to blogging, here are some pics from last night's company Christmas party.

Here's my picture with Miss Photogenic USA
(Before the drugs and making out with girls-- SHOCKING!)

Sara's right: Becky is just stunning, all the time.

Even when she's playing along with "Now let's do a dumb face!"

However, she has't quite mastered Blue Steel yet.

Happy Holidays, everyone!


Update: I forgot to say Feliz Naviblah

to all these people:

And to all these people:


Adam said...

You too.

I look forward to Le Tigre.

Anonymous said...

I wasn't sure what Blue Steal was until you did the pose. I'll work on it!