Monday, July 03, 2006

It's worth the time

I just read the text of the Declaration of Independence. I don't thik I'd ever read it before.
It takes like seven minutes.
It's interesting to imagine what the founders of our nation were thinking about.
...Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed...


kendalljean said...

I think the part that is so often missed these days is the fact that our founding fathers, particularly Thomas Jefferson, emphasized the need to continually challenge and when necessary overthrow the current regime to make sure the government remains representative of the people. Yet, today it is unpatriotic to not support the government. I consider myself more patriotic because I don't support some choices of our government. It is a key principle to the founding of our nation.

Anyway, glad you got to read it. The first section is particularly moving, before they get into the list of grievances.

Unknown said...

I think it is unpatriotic to be a blind follower.

I disagree with a lot that our current leader does. Thing is, even if he's the leader, it's still OUR nation, and if we had the will to do it, we could kick him to the curb. I think it's a great system we have here, and I think it's wonderful that we have a peaceful transfer of power from one administration to the next. That's more than people could say for a lot of nations on the globe now.

Patriotism-- I think it's a pitiful shame that dissent is seen as unpatriotic.
But I don't think the majority of americans believe that dissent is unpatriotic. I think it has a lot to do with the state of political debate these days. It's a travesty that loud-mouthed idiots shouting slogans passes for political debate. That's called Sports Radio, and that's the only place I feel it's appropriate.

I know people who make snide and mean-spirited statements in order to entertain or mock, and I think that can be unhealthy for the political discussion. But I can't stop them-- poor taste and bad attitudes are not illegal.

Dissent is patriotic when it has the good of the nation at heart.
Honest discussion is patriotic when it tackles problems in order to make the nation better.
Keeping the government accountable to the people is always good. Let the bastards know that we take the Declaration of Independence seriously-- their powers are derived from the consent of the governed.

I recently heard that quote of the president saying
"I'm the decider-- I get to decide what's best!"
and I wanted to shake him silly and tell him "You rule because we let you!"

Link to the clip:

I could go on, but I'd probably just be repeating myself.

kendalljean said...

Well said Jay. You said a lot of what I was trying to say... And it IS especially scary that our president doesn't get it.