Sunday, August 09, 2009

Mr. Dad

So-- tomorrow I start staying at home to take care of Evelyn while Becky goes to school. I have to say I'm a little overwhelmed about the prospect of being full-time baby care, taking two master's classes, and trading options while the market is open. But that's going to be the plan.

Good things-- the AnderParents (Grandersons?) are going to help with the care, since I'll be at their place to do the trading. I picked classes this semester that are online (but next semester I don't know if I'll have that option). Evie is getting more into development and out of pure survival.

I have a little worry about not "going to work" since I have a bit of old-fashionedness to my personality, but there's something about life that humbles you and takes you out of your constructed sense of how things ought to be. This is life as it is, and it's all you've got. So call me Mr. Dad, and I'll see you at the Farmer's Market!


Scott and Malisa Johnson said...

During that fist year that I went back to work, Scott was home a lot with Emily. I wish I could have been home with her, but was so grateful that they had that time together.

edluv said...

so, how's it going?