Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A few thoughts

Just thinking:

My daughter is coming into the world in less than 90 days. Her heartbeat was strong like a horse galloping yesterday and I was through the roof. Will she have red hair or brown? Will she define herself as an intellectual or an athlete? An idealist or a pragmatist? A lover or a fighter? The world is laid out before her.

I like construction. I like being outside. Recently, I have been out in zero degrees with layer after layer protecting me while I drove nails and got sticks in the air, and about 55 today with the sun shining and it was glorious while I nailed on sheathing and the snow melted. I guess I love being outside in Colorado. It really is a beautiful place. I have been stopped dead in my work staring at the southern apron leading up to Pikes Peak, just imagining all the terrain leading up to America's Mountain. Purple Mountains' Majesty indeed. Pics to come.

I am coming to the end of a 4-month obsession with zombies. It manifests itself in disaster preparedness, but it's really about zombies. Funny to obsess about this at Christmas time.

I'm in an accelerated class for Negotiation and Conflict Resolution right now. It's in my School for Public Affairs, so it's mostly focused on government affairs, but it's a very good class taught by an excellent professor, so I am enjoying it.

I have to eventually get more clothes. Clothes that aren't grey. Everything I own is grey.

Mike Shanahan is my co-pilot.

Gas is $1.46 here.

I own my own business. JEA Construction Services. I have no website and do not intend to have one.

When it gets really cold, Becky and I dream that we're back in Dubrovnik. It is our city, and we miss it.

Thomas, Trey, and Meechie are hanging out together. It's been touchy, but we are getting to a better place.

Lost is coming back. I am happy about it. We have a standing date with Matt for Lost Night. I'll bring the 40s (and drink them myself).


edluv said...

your co-pilot got fired. not a good sign.

Unknown said...

Right. What I'm saying is that I still like him.

edluv said...

as a person?

as a rat?

as another unemployed person in our economy? that's right, i'm blaming bush for this one, too.

on other notes, i'm glad to see how excited you two are about impending anderbaby.

i'm super excited about lost next week.

Monticore said...

I vote for Evie becoming an Intellectual especially after that rude comment about Faraday on Lost and Nerdz!