Wednesday, October 29, 2008

campaign trail

So I've been pretty much on call for the past week or two, and I've spent a few days full-time working for the Obama campaign. I am really excited about what we are doing, and I'm learning a lot about organizing. It may come in handy some day.. I don't know.

I'm not full-time like the out-of-town organizers who have come to this battleground state to get out the vote, but I have pretty much given my time until election day to the campaign. Becky is tired of reading canvass data to me so I can input it. That's been our alone time recently.

Maybe it's because Becky and I have had precious little time together since our honeymoon ended and volleyball, teaching, my master's program, and the campaign kicked in, but I admire and yet pity the elected official. What crazy hours! I feel sorry for candidates who are bouncing from rally to rally, barely sleeping, always having to be mindful that their words are perfect.

I am studying to take a position in government (or nonprofit), but I don't want to campaign for myself. Oh, the scrutiny! I know that if I were to have a character attack on me, I'd have to own some of the crap that I've done. I couldn't Barry Bonds anything-- I've got a kid on the way and there's no way I could look Jay Jr. in the eye and lie. Just kidding, it's not Jr... by the way, we're not telling the name until the birth, so don't bother. Actually, bother Becky-- she might cave.

I have been wondering recently about where I want to take myself with my degree. I can't imagine myself going higher than city or maybe state level, .. or can I? My experience with the Obama campaign is opening my eyes to how politics is done (albeit at a node of a branch of an arm), and I think I'm starting to like it. Making a difference, you know?

I think I have something to give, and I am looking for a way to offer it up to people who need it.


edluv said...

i say you become a body double for daniel craig. doesn't really use the degree, but it could be damn cool.

Adam said...

Cool until you start taking punches.

It's exciting to hear your participation in politics and desire to be a force for good. Keep it up Jay.