Wednesday, July 11, 2007

sup fools. is this thing on?

Ok, so I haven't posted in a long time. Here's me letting the public know that I am fine. Just really busy. Work is going well and Becky and I are having lots of fun. We're playing volleyball and just enjoying the summer. Last weekend we went camping at a tiny lake up near timberline. It was beautiful, and I took some pictures, so you can check that out if you'd like.

What else? The Highland Games that I'm competing in are getting closer, and I kinda tweaked my back, but I think it's almost better. So I'll be out at the shop again this weekend, throwing a big log around and trying to get it to flip. I'm not devoting too much time to the other events, which may be a mistake, but I really really want to get a good turn in at the competition, and I think I can do most of the rest of the events and not look too dumb.

Ok, that's all I've got for now. Hope everyone is doing well. bye bye.


Adam said...

I like your illustration for "too dumb." hehehe

edluv said...

we're doing well.
