Monday, December 19, 2005

Hacking is so four years ago

So I went to check the Sage Francis blog, and whaddya know? Some douchebag has hacked it and shut it down. Way to go, ass. I didn't know people still got a rise out of that kind of thing.

Effing retarded. They make XBox Live so that nerds can fight it out and talk crap and exude pwnage without disturbing polite society. To the basement with you, Morlocks!


Recently I watched this movie, Flight of the Phoenix. I fought to stay awake, waiting to care about any of the characters in the story. I couldn't.

Here's my review: I could have scratched my ass for two and a half hours and at least at the end of it, my ass would have been good and scratched. As it is, I have nothing to show for that block of time.

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